These are some examples of what a skygarden would contribute with in the city of Dublin:
-> Quiet green space and gardens for Dublins office workers to enjoy sun, air and water.
-> Better management of urban runoff because roof gardens detain and transpire water.
-> Less particulate load in the air (and less asthma) because roof gardens turn dust into soil.
-> A quieter Dublin, due to the roof gardens absorbation of noise.
-> Less energy consumption by the city, because roof gardens provide insulation (“cool when its hot and warm when its not'”)
-> Fitter and healthier Dubliners, because exercise facilities can be made available on rooftop green space.
-> A more beautiful city, because everyone loves greenery.
-> More birds in Dublin, because roof gardens provide habitat space for feeding and breeding.
-> Less carbon dioxide in the air - and therefore less global warming!
-> Roof gardens and green roofs extend the life of the existing roof fabric by up to 70%. Further savings are also made from improved insulation . They also substantially enhance re-sales values.